Charitable education support

The following charities may be able to offer some support for some families with specific needs.


01   Financial support

Armed Forces Education Trust

The Armed Forces Education Trust is a charity working for children and young adults whose education has been compromised or put at risk as a result of parents’ past or current Service in our Armed Forces.

Forces Children Scotland

Forces Children Scotland is Scotland’s Armed Forces Children’s charity.

Lord Wandsworth College

The College is an independent boarding and day school on the border of Hampshire and Surrey. The Lord Wandsworth Foundation helps to fund a boarding or day place at LWC in conjunction with other trusts and charities.

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02   Other charitable support

The following charities may be able to offer support for children.

Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a charity dedicated to supporting children & young people who have lost a parent whilst serving in the British Armed Forces.

Give Us Time takes commercially let accommodation donated by owners of holiday groups, hotels, holiday homes and timeshares, and matches them with military families in need of rest, rehabilitation and reconnection with their families.

Forces Children’s Trust supports children in need when their father or mother has died or sustained life-threatening injuries while serving as a member of the British Armed Forces or Civilian Forces.

Reading Force are passionate about using books to bring Forces children and families closer together.

Army Benevolent Fund is the national charity of the British Army, providing a lifetime of support to soldiers, veterans and their immediate families when they are in need.

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