Funding for charities that support the Armed Forces community

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust has announced that it has awarded £2.9 million of grants under the Reaching and Supporting Armed Forces Communities programme; awarding 31 projects across the UK which deliver tangible change within Armed Forces communities.

Scotty’s Little Soldiers

Scotty’s Little Soldiers, which supports bereaved Service children and young people, has received funding for its Standby project. This programme focuses on helping to provide sensitive support to bereaved Service children in educational settings.

Founder, Nikki Scott, said: “Bereaved children from Armed Forces families can face a number of challenges during their educational journey and at times such as analysing war-themed poetry, learning about Remembrance and taking part in activities for Mother’s and Father’s Day. Due to their bereavement, these types of experiences can be extremely challenging and Standby will help ensure education providers are more informed about how best to support bereaved British Forces children and young people.”


Adfam has received a grant to provide a support service to 36 family members of serving personnel who are affected by problematic alcohol and substance use. The support will comprise of individual support and group support sessions.

Adfam Chief Executive Vivienne Evans said: “We are delighted to have received funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust. This service provides family members with six, one-to-one sessions of emotional and practical support, plus a peer support group, both of which help them deal with the impact of a loved one’s substance misuse.”

Climb 2 Recovery

Climb 2 Recovery (C2R) provides therapeutic climbing and mountaineering programmes to assist serving personnel and veterans recovering from both physical and mental trauma.

Chief Executive Joe Winch explains: “The courses offered are carefully designed to support progression from no experience to independent lead climbing for even the most severely injured or disabled member. C2R also sponsors and mentors members through formal outdoor leadership qualifications, creating new vocations and providing a pathway back to employment or voluntary work.”

More information

More information and a full list of the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust awards, can be found at


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