Over-37 Provision closed to new entrants and new SLA waivers introduced

The Army Over-37 Provision is being closed to new entrants from 1 April 2024, and new SLA waivers have been introduced.

The Army Over-37 Provision helped support married/civil partnership Army personnel who were over 37 years of age and who met criteria to settle their family into their own home before the end of their career. The costs for Single Living Accommodation (SLA) were waived and it helped with Disturbance Expense and removals costs.

What can I get instead/what if I wasn’t on the Over-37 Provision but live in my own home?

Under the Modernised Accommodation Offer, all serving personnel will now be able to access a waiver of SLA charges if you live in your own home (not your Residence at Work Address) but need SLA during the week because it’s too far to commute.  

How do I get a waiver?

You will need to speak with your unit admin team and show them evidence like a council tax bill, tenancy agreement or mortgage statement. The unit admin team can then apply the waiver to JPA.

What if I am already claiming the Over-37 Provision?

From 1 April 2024, if you are claiming the Army Over-37 Provision you will continue to have a waiver of SLA charges for a minimum of 12 months whilst the MOD accommodation team reviews the Modernised Accommodation Offer. (N.B: If you are assigned between April 2024 and 2025 you will automatically move from the Over-37 Provision to the new SLA waiver.)

Can I still claim Disturbance Expense and removals costs if I am eligible under the Over-37 Provision?

You can still claim but only until 31 March 2024. You will need to fill out an Over-37 Provision Eligibility Certificate before this date. If you fill this out and are eligible, you can then move within six months.

It’s really important that any certificate is applied for before 31 March, or you will not be able to claim.

Movement of Personal Effects (removals) will still be available to personnel in the circumstances listed in JSP 752 such as ‘on assignment’.

The Army has produced more information here: ABN_003_2024_Cessation_of_the_Army over 37 provision Introduction of SLA WAIVERS for all homeowners/householders (MOD SharePoint users only).

See Modernised Accommodation Offer for more information.


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