Overseas accommodation pilot scheme launches

As part of the MOD’s review of the overseas accommodation offer and policies, a new pilot has launched which will give Service personnel in established long-term relationships (LTR(E)) access to Service Family Accommodation (SFA) in the Falkland Islands and Sovereign Base Areas (SBA) Cyprus.

The pilot initially runs from 22 January 2024 to 31 March 2025.  

All Service personnel who are already on assignment or who receive an assignment to the Falkland Islands or SBA Cyprus who are in an LTR(E), and who meet the criteria, will be entitled to SFA.

For more information, see AFF Housing: New Accommodation Offer – Assignments Overseas

For questions about individual circumstances, contact your base commander or the Overseas Bases team at UKStratCom-DirOB-HR@mod.gov.uk.

For policy related questions, contact the Accommodation Support Cell People-Accom-ASC@mod.gov.uk.


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