Service personnel directed to update records

As part of the review of the Modernised Accommodation Offer (MAO), the MOD accommodation policy team needs better data to understand how many soldiers are in long-term relationships and how many have children living with them for over 80 nights a year.

To collect this information, the Chief of Defence People has directed that all Regular and Full Time Reserve Service (full commitment) Service personnel update their JPA records to ensure that the following details are captured and correct:

  • Personnel Status Category (PStat Cat).
  • Long-term relationship status as appropriate.
  • Permanently resident children (including children of spouse, civil or long-term partner).
  • Resident children for 80+ nights a year.
  • Dates of birth of resident children.

All Service personnel must have updated their JPA records no later than 12 April 2024.

If there are any issues in updating JPA, please contact your unit HR for support.

This information will give a much clearer idea of how many Service personnel may be entitled to Service housing under the MAO. It will also help the team to review the long-term costs based on a more accurate level of demand than is currently available.

Further instruction and detail can be found within 2024DIN01-028: 2024DIN01-028-Directed update of relationship status and child records on the Joint Personnel Administration system.docx. (MODnet users only.)


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